The following information will assist you in understanding your responsibilities and in requesting permission to reproduce copyrighted material in your work. All permissions granted must be submitted to the journal together with your manuscript.
Your responsibilities
As the author, you are responsible for obtaining permission and paying any fees to use the third-party copyrighted material that your manuscript contains.
Material that will need clearance
Content not in the public domain or freely available to use under a license such as a creative commons license will require clearance. It includes the use of photographs, figures, maps, tables, cartoons, advertisements, epigraphs and quotations that are over the limits referred to under ‘Modification/adaptation of figures and tables.
Web material
Image or text material on the Web may not be the intellectual property of the site hosting it. You must always identify the original copyright source and obtain explicit permission. Take particular care with photographs obtained from websites, blogs, Google image searches, YouTube, Wikimedia, etc.
Material previously published by you or your colleague
Check the contract with the other publisher to see whether, and under what conditions, the material can be reused in this CJIC publication. If in any doubt, permission must be obtained.
Images of, or information about, identifiable individuals
It is your responsibility to obtain consent from patients and other individuals for the use of information, images, audio files, and video clips from which they may be identified. Bear in mind the following points:
- Masking a person’s eyes is not an adequate or acceptable means of rendering an image anonymous.
- People may still be recognizable to individuals or their families, even if head/shoulders are not included.
- People may recognize themselves from clinical descriptions or case reports.