CJIC publishes research that is sound, relevant, and novel.
Sound: The study has a clear research question and utilizes an appropriate study design. The manuscript addresses an important question and the research described is innovative in nature, approach, or content.
Relevant: All articles must be within the scope of infection prevention and control and healthcare epidemiology, and articles are judged on their relevance in advancing the practice of infection prevention and control.
Novel: This relates to how much an article contributes to what is already known on the subject. For research articles, the main results and conclusions must not have been published or submitted elsewhere and should be of outstanding scientific importance.
The most common reasons for the rejection of research articles are that they are of low novelty or low relevance to our readers.
Expectation from reviewers
- Reviewers are key to the quality of our publications. Their feedback and comments help us decide whether to publish a manuscript or to help the authors make improvements. Reading a manuscript in detail and providing a constructive, thorough report typically takes about 2 hours.
- We generally require reviewers to comment on the strengths and weakness of the manuscript and, if possible, how each weakness can be addressed.
- Reviewers are advised to consider whether they have any conflict(s) of interest that may have an impact on the impartiality of their review (including in relation to any Company and/or commercial product mentioned in the article)
- All CJIC's reviewers have expertise in infection prevention and control and/or healthcare epidemiology with up-to-date knowledge in the field.