Call for Papers

The Canadian Journal of Infection Control is a leading international peer-reviewed journal providing a platform for knowledge transfer and academic discourse in the field of infection prevention and control and hospital epidemiology. The journal invites submission of manuscripts outlining original research that examines, informs, and advances this professional field. 

Authors should follow the content and format recommendations as outlined in the journal’s Guidelines for Authors. Manuscripts are accepted in English and French and should be submitted electronically via our Editorial Manager on 

A signed copy of IPAC Canada’s Publisher-Author agreement must be received before a manuscript will be published. 

The agreement is available

Please note that there is an approximate three- to four-month timeline between receipt of manuscript, peer review, editing, and publication. The Canadian Journal of Infection Control is a quarterly publication indexed by the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), EBSCO, SilverPlatter Information, Inc., CrossRef, ProQuest, Eurasian Scientific Journal Index (ESJI), International Scientific Indexing (ISI), and SCOPUS. 


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  Heather Gagnon, MPH1*, Maureen Buchanan-Chell, BScN, RN1, Melody Cordoviz, BScN, RN1, Sibina Fisher, BSc, BScN, RN1, Jennifer Happe, MSc1, Linda Kamhuka, MSc1, Roberta McCombie, MSc1, Sharon Pelletier, BScN, RN1, Angele Vaters, MSc1,2, Gwyneth Meyers, PhD1 1 Infection Prevention and Control,...

The Canadian Journal of Infection Control is a leading international peer-reviewed journal providing a platform for knowledge transfer and academic discourse in the field of infection prevention and control and hospital epidemiology. The journal invites submission of manuscripts outlining original research...