Assessing long-term sustainability of a large-scale infection prevention and control routine practice improvement initiative in ambulatory care units located at cancer care centres and acute care hospitals


Heather Gagnon, MPH1*, Maureen Buchanan-Chell, BScN, RN1, Melody Cordoviz, BScN, RN1, Sibina Fisher, BSc, BScN, RN1, Jennifer Happe, MSc1, Linda Kamhuka, MSc1, Roberta McCombie, MSc1, Sharon Pelletier, BScN, RN1, Angele Vaters, MSc1,2, Gwyneth Meyers, PhD1

1 Infection Prevention and Control, Alberta Health Services, Alberta, Canada
2 Infection Prevention and Control, Covenant Health, Alberta, Canada

 *Corresponding author: 

Heather Gagnon
Suite 801, South Tower 
Foothills Medical Centre
1403 29 St. NW, 

Calgary, AB T2N 2T9

